The Smith House

Craig Ellwood • 1958 • Brentwood, California

Sigma fp L • Nikon Nikkor 50mm f/1.8
111 words • 9 images

Carport from the street
Carport from the street / Hi-Res

Made the trip to Craig Ellwood’s Smith House in Crestwood Hills. Was very excited to finally step inside an Ellwood design & this one did not disappoint. Feels a little like an apartment plucked from a downtown high-rise and dropped onto the hills of Brentwood — minimal almost to the point of monastic, though I love the way the landscape has grown onto the house, little branches curling around the blue steel frame. Back in 1958 the hills were treeless, but today it’s a treehouse. And an expensive one! Deft timing to put an Ellwood on the market right after Chris Pratt destroyed Ellwood’s Zimmerman House not too far from here.


Porch wall
Porch wall / Hi-Res

Looking northwest
Looking northwest / Hi-Res

Looking southwest
Looking southwest / Hi-Res

Carport meets house
Carport meets house / Hi-Res

Jalousie looking out to ocean
Jalousie looking out to ocean / Hi-Res

Looking southwest closer
Looking southwest closer / Hi-Res

Looking west from second bedroom
Looking west from second bedroom / Hi-Res

Under the porch
Under the porch / Hi-Res

Originally posted: 2024-05-15