LA County Hall of Records

Richard Neutra & Robert E. Alexander • 1957 • Los Angeles, CA

Sigma fp L • Canon TS-E 24mm f/3.5 II, Canon TS-E 90mm f/2.8
125 words • 15 images

Looking north at the southeast wing
Looking north at the southeast wing / Hi-Res

You hear a lot about Neutra’s houses; much less about his civic work. I first came across his Hall of Records in this great article all about its clever — and ill-fated — system of sun-breaking louvers on the southern elevations. Clever because they once turned throughout the day to block the sun as it moved; ill-fated because, well, they’re broken. Which turned Neutra’s elegant alternative to the glass-box skyscraper into a complete failure that wastes energy on excessive air conditioning.


Looking east at the northwest wing
Looking east at the northwest wing / Hi-Res

Still an interesting landmark, though, and looked particularly nice through Shulman’s lens. In parts — like the red balconies over the main entrance — the whole thing feels much older than a building from 1962.

Elevation of the northwest wing
Elevation of the northwest wing / Hi-Res

Barbara Lamprecht has a nice write-up on her blog.

A detail view of the louvers on the northwest wing
A detail view of the louvers on the northwest wing / Hi-Res

A closer look
A closer look / Hi-Res

Another angle on the louvers, with a view of the windowless core
Another angle on the louvers, with a view of the windowless core / Hi-Res

Perspective view of the southeast wing
Perspective view of the southeast wing / Hi-Res

Elevation of the southeast wing
Elevation of the southeast wing / Hi-Res

Louvers on the southeast wing
Louvers on the southeast wing / Hi-Res

A view of the red balconies over the main entrance, as seen with a 90mm lens from the North Hill Street Bridge
A view of the red balconies over the main entrance, as seen with a 90mm lens from the North Hill Street Bridge / Hi-Res

The main entrance, on the north side
The main entrance, on the north side / Hi-Res

A man departs via the courtyard walkway
A man departs via the courtyard walkway / Hi-Res

The short fixed louvers on the northeast elevation
The short fixed louvers on the northeast elevation / Hi-Res

The sign on the interior, in a face that might’ve served as inspiration forNeutraface
/ Hi-Res

A sign on the exterior
A sign on the exterior / Hi-Res

Originally posted: 2024-06-12