The Elliott House

Richard Neutra • 1953 • Walton Hills, OH

Sigma fp L • Canon TS-E 90mm f/2.8
88 words • 11 images

Oblique view of north corner
Oblique view of north corner / Hi-Res

Took a trip to Cleveland, so naturally I consulted my map and found this abandoned 1953 Richard Neutra design in Walton Hills, not far from my brother’s woodworking studio in Bedford. Incredible to see a Neutra in such a state, though even more incredible to see a Neutra on a huge green yard up against a huge green forest. Also the first Neutra I’ve ever seen inhabited by a family of raccoons (was surprised (and a little spooked) to find a tail visible in that last image).


Living room
Living room / Hi-Res

Western elevation
Western elevation / Hi-Res

Garage entrance
Garage entrance / Hi-Res

View from south corner
View from south corner / Hi-Res

Exterior corridor
Exterior corridor / Hi-Res

Gutter detail
Gutter detail / Hi-Res

Cracked window
Cracked window / Hi-Res

Western wing wall
Western wing wall / Hi-Res

Northern elevation living room
Northern elevation living room / Hi-Res

Raccoon tail
Raccoon tail / Hi-Res

Originally posted: 2024-07-09