Bella Vista Terrace

Irving Gill • 1910 • Sierra Madre, California

Sigma fp L • Canon TS-E 45mm f/2.8
97 words • 11 images

Southwest corner again
Southwest corner again / Hi-Res

Caught some nice late afternoon at Irving Gill’s Bella Vista Terrace (1910) in Sierra Madre. A row of jacaranda trees on the treelawn were casting lovely shadows onto the western elevation. I used “treelawn” there because this building was commissioned by a fellow Clevelander who moved out west — someone who surely would’ve known I’m talking about the bit of land between the street and the sidewalk.


To read more about Gill, checkout his page on There’s also a nicely illustrated article on Irving Gill here. And of course there’s always Esther McCoy’s Five California Architects.

Looking north
Looking north / Hi-Res

The southeast corner of the southwest corner
The southeast corner of the southwest corner / Hi-Res

Window detail
Window detail / Hi-Res

Shadows above the arched gate
Shadows above the arched gate / Hi-Res

Shadows on the western elevation
Shadows on the western elevation / Hi-Res

Looking north again
Looking north again / Hi-Res

Looking north along western elevation once again
Looking north along western elevation once again / Hi-Res

Shadows on the southwest corner
Shadows on the southwest corner / Hi-Res

A synoptic view of the western elevation, looking north
A synoptic view of the western elevation, looking north / Hi-Res

A synoptic view of the western elevation, looking north
A synoptic view of the western elevation, looking north / Hi-Res

Originally posted: 2024-05-01