Robert Graham

The Doumani Beach House

Northwest elevation seen from speedway1

While researching the architect David Ming-Li Lowe a few months ago, I came across Real Estate As Art: New Architecture in Venice, California, a wonderfully weird book by Joseph Giovannini from 1984.

It’s a a slice-of-life depiction of architecture and architects working in and around Venice in the late 70s and early 80s — Gehry, Morphosis, Frederick Fisher, etc. — and comes with a map of all the houses mentioned. So of course I recently went to Venice to photograph all the buildings I could find, which was a blast.

I’ll be posting each house I visited as a separate entry here, but my first stop (as I worked my way northward along the shore) was this house: the Doumani Beach House, designed by the Mexican-American sculptor (and non-architect) Robert Graham.